Its Finally Happened-
The demand for our popular Ford TFI relocation kit has exceeded our ability to pick Ford heat sinks from junk yard F150 pickups. We thought this would eventually happen but sort of didn't think it would be for a while. We never thought that with only web site advertizing we'd be moving 100 kits a year but now that we are local junk yards can't keep up.
Since the start we thought that an alternative to the reclaimed Ford heat sink could be made using computer-grade components. We've been looking into it from the start but never moved on it since we seemed to have enough yard heat sinks available. The fact that we can't get enough used heat sinks means now is the time to move to this new heat sink.
Here at McCully Racing Motors we don't just settle for "that'll work". We were not going to move to this new heat sink until we could be sure it could be as plug-and-play as the "old" kit.
With that in mind we've close to offering a new kit that will:
-Include all needed parts including a "serving" of Artic Siver 5 thermal grease.
-Offer actual improvements over the old kit's major weakness: it's reliance upon a "afterthought" Ford heatsink. The old heat sink was not the most thermally efficient design and also allowed water to get into the access door of the module if not placed in a moisture-free location. Both of these issues are addressed in our new design heat sink.
-Require no soldering, wire crimping or special tools other than the Ford TFI removal tool (read more about this tool below BTW).
-Work with our existing weather sealed and RF shielded harness.
-Be cost effective at the same price as the old kit (no price increase).
We are about two weeks away from releasing the new kit. Unfortunately we are out of old style heat sinks and can not fill any orders after 2013-12-01 with them (if your order has already been placed it is covered and will ship shortly). If you'd like to place an order for the new kit before its release please feel free to do so, you'll be first in line when they are ready to ship.
Regarding that special tool- we ordered three of them from an online Mustang supplier and are debating "renting" them to customers who do not have access to one. The cost would most likely be an additional $12 over the cost of the kit, $10 of which would be refunded if the tool returns to us within 30 days. We're looking in to adding this when we upgrade the kits on the website.
As we did with our harness upgrade last year we'll offer a "heat sink only" option for any existing customers who want to upgrade to the new heat sink and keep their existing harness. We'll have pricing available when we update the website.
Thanks everyone, we'll keep everyone updated about this change,
-Jason and Thomas McCully
The demand for our popular Ford TFI relocation kit has exceeded our ability to pick Ford heat sinks from junk yard F150 pickups. We thought this would eventually happen but sort of didn't think it would be for a while. We never thought that with only web site advertizing we'd be moving 100 kits a year but now that we are local junk yards can't keep up.
Since the start we thought that an alternative to the reclaimed Ford heat sink could be made using computer-grade components. We've been looking into it from the start but never moved on it since we seemed to have enough yard heat sinks available. The fact that we can't get enough used heat sinks means now is the time to move to this new heat sink.
Here at McCully Racing Motors we don't just settle for "that'll work". We were not going to move to this new heat sink until we could be sure it could be as plug-and-play as the "old" kit.
With that in mind we've close to offering a new kit that will:
-Include all needed parts including a "serving" of Artic Siver 5 thermal grease.
-Offer actual improvements over the old kit's major weakness: it's reliance upon a "afterthought" Ford heatsink. The old heat sink was not the most thermally efficient design and also allowed water to get into the access door of the module if not placed in a moisture-free location. Both of these issues are addressed in our new design heat sink.
-Require no soldering, wire crimping or special tools other than the Ford TFI removal tool (read more about this tool below BTW).
-Work with our existing weather sealed and RF shielded harness.
-Be cost effective at the same price as the old kit (no price increase).
We are about two weeks away from releasing the new kit. Unfortunately we are out of old style heat sinks and can not fill any orders after 2013-12-01 with them (if your order has already been placed it is covered and will ship shortly). If you'd like to place an order for the new kit before its release please feel free to do so, you'll be first in line when they are ready to ship.
Regarding that special tool- we ordered three of them from an online Mustang supplier and are debating "renting" them to customers who do not have access to one. The cost would most likely be an additional $12 over the cost of the kit, $10 of which would be refunded if the tool returns to us within 30 days. We're looking in to adding this when we upgrade the kits on the website.
As we did with our harness upgrade last year we'll offer a "heat sink only" option for any existing customers who want to upgrade to the new heat sink and keep their existing harness. We'll have pricing available when we update the website.
Thanks everyone, we'll keep everyone updated about this change,
-Jason and Thomas McCully